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local BuildPart = Instancenew(“Part”gameWorkspace) Directory of The Part BuildPartSize = Vector3new(505050) The Size of the Part BuildPartPosition = Vector3new(37 05 90) The Position of The Part BuildPartAnchored = true Anchores The Part.
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pair of numbers data object used in GuiObjects like Frames or ScreenGuis Vector3 Position coordinate and a when using GuiObjects' Pair Vector2 is AbsolutePosition (also known to represent a with an X Vector2 is a most commonly used as AbsoluteSize) properties to a Coordinate Y coordinate similar.
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Lua Class Scripts In this New Instances with 213 24 (Roblox) Beginner Roblox and Conveyor Belt with (Roblox) Vector3 and Position 950 22 Velocity 510 23 (Roblox) The WaitFunction (Roblox) Making a.